
Vol.4 多重露光撮影でよくある失敗とは【Part2】「メリハリがない」を解決する

#multiple exposure#フィルムカメラ#フィルム写真#多重露光#撮影方法

<English is following Japanese>












Common Mistakes in Multiple Exposure Photography【Part2】

How to Add Contrast to Your Multiple Exposure Photography

It’s common to feel like you’ve failed when you see the developed results of a multiple exposure shot. Even after nearly 10 years of shooting multiple exposures, I still experience moments where I feel unsatisfied with the outcome. In this blog post, I’ll explain one common reason why we might feel a multiple exposure image has “failed”—lack of contrast—and offer solutions to address this issue.

What Does a Lack of Contrast Look Like?

First, let’s define what we mean by “lack of contrast.” Take a look at the photo above. The entire image appears too bright, with a hazy, unclear appearance that makes it hard to tell what’s been overlaid. While some people may appreciate this style—and that’s perfectly valid!—this serves as an example of a photo that lacks contrast.

This photo is the result of layering the two bright landscapes below. Since both subjects were brightly lit by sunlight overall, there is no contrast in the overlapping areas, giving the image a flat impression. Conversely, when overlapping dark subjects that are not exposed to sunlight, there is similarly a lack of contrast, which tends to result in a dull, featureless photo.

How to Add Contrast to Your Shots

So, how do you avoid this “lack of contrast” in multiple exposures? The key is to include both bright and dark areas within your compositions. Take a look at the photos below. This image combines a view from inside a tunnel looking out and a shot from a bridge looking down at a river.

In the dark section of the tunnel where sunlight doesn’t reach, the color of the river is clearly visible. On the other hand, in the bright exit of the tunnel, which is well-lit by sunlight, the river is barely visible. This happens because, in multiple exposure photography, bright areas tend to come forward, while dark areas recede into the background. By placing both light and dark areas in your compositions, you can create images with more contrast and depth.For more information on the nature of this multiple exposure, please see this blog.

Practical Tips for Adding Contrast

By carefully considering the balance of light and dark in your scenes, you can transform a flat multiple exposure into a more dynamic and engaging image. Take a moment to review the sample photos provided, and try applying these tips to your own photography.

In the next post, we’ll dive deeper into how color plays a role in creating compelling multiple exposure images. Stay tuned!



ロモグラフィーのフィルムカメラとの出会いを契機に、アナログの多重露光技法を駆使して映画的、絵画的な作品を制作。作品は音楽ジャケット、書籍の装丁、広告など、様々なメディアで使用され、視覚的なインパクトと独自の世界観で多くの評価を受けている。(アートワーク実績:ロモグラフィー/講談社/集英社/光文社/ゆうちょ銀行/ユニバーサルミュージック/FM802 など順不同)


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