These articles are about my works. I can accept interviews about my works in domestic and international. If you are interested me and my works, please contact me from a following form or email.
=掲載誌 / MAGAZINE=
= ウェブインタビュー / WEB INTERVIEWS =
Meet the TEN AND ONE Awards Judges (英語/English)
LOG ON “IT IS SAID THAT...” <HONG KONG> (英語/English)
onfilm.photo (英語/English)
FLiPER (英語, 中国語/English, Chinese)
DERTUBER (ドイツ語/German)
LOMOGRAPHER gocchin、LOMO LC-Wで撮る (日本語/Japanese)
Please contact me by following form or email(goto@photobox.jp), if you are interested in my works and would love to interview to me.
ありがとうございます!後ほど回答をご案内させて頂きますので、しばらくお待ちください。48時間以上経っても返信がない場合、お手数ですがgoto@photobox.jp へ直接メールの送信をお願い致します。ジャムアーツ 後藤芳貴(ゴトウヨシタカ) Thank you for your message! I'll reply to you later. But if you can't receive my reply within 48 hours, please send your message by email again. (goto@photobox.jp) Thanks! Yoshitaka Goto