How to order Mission

How to oder photo book “Mission”

STEP 1: If you would like to order my photo book “Mission” from outside Japan, please fill out the form below. Please select “Credit Card” as the payment method.

STEP 2: I will email you the total price of the book, including shipping costs.

STEP 3: After you have confirmed the total amount, I will send you a PayPal invoice to your email address.

STEP 4: You can pay by credit card through PayPal.

STEP 5: Once your payment is confirmed, I will ship the book to you.

STEP 6: Shipping will be done by airmail with tracking.

《Order Form》

    必須お名前 / Your name

    必須メールアドレス / Your email address

    必須配送先ご住所 / Full address to shipping

    必須配送先電話番号 / Phone number of recipient※ 半角数字でハイフンありで入力してください。

    必須受取人様名 / Name of recipient

    必須ご希望の商品 / Order item you wish to order

    必須お支払い方法 / Payment

    任意ご希望の作品のスクリーンショットまたはスマホなどで画面を撮影したものを添付。/ Attach a screenshot or a smartphone or other screen capture of the work of your choice.

    任意備考欄 / Remarks



    プライバシーポリシー / 特定商取引法に基づく表記

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