All About 写真集「Mission」
I’m pleased to announce the publication of the photo book “Mission” by 233PRESS in March 2023. This photo book was produced with the support of 87 collectors who contributed 947,500 Japanese yen through crowdfunding. I would like to express my gratitude for the 158% support I received and would like to share some of my thoughts on the book.
Background of Photo Book Production
Christopher Nolan’s film “Inception” shocked the world when it was released in 2010. Many people were overwhelmed by the completely unpredictable script and images that no one had ever seen before. Of course, I was one of them. Director Nolan is famous for his insistence on analog techniques, such as blowing up real buildings and airplanes for action scenes, and I, too, used a film camera and a technique called multiple exposures to manipulate the miracles created by chance while calculating meticulously and continuing to create fantastic works. Around 2015, I began to create works inspired by Nolan’s worldview in earnest, and have continued to do so by publishing a zine and photo book titled “Inception” and other activities. In 2015, I began creating works inspired by Nolan’s worldview. After that, I continued to create works by superimposing landscapes from around the world, including the United States, Iceland, and Hong Kong, and as a result, I have now produced more than 50 satisfactory works and have planned to publish a photo book as a compilation of my work once again.
<写真集制作の経緯> クリストファー・ノーラン監督の映画『インセプション』は2010年に公開されると世界に衝撃を与えました。全く先を予想できない脚本、今まで誰も見たことが無い映像に、多くの人が圧倒されたと思います。もちろん私もその一人です。ノーラン監督は、アクションシーンのために本物のビルや飛行機を爆破するなど、アナログな手法にこだわっていることは有名ですが、私もフィルムカメラを使い、多重露光という手法を用いて、緻密に計算しながらも偶然が生み出す奇跡を操り、幻想的な作品を作り続けていました。そしてこの『インセプション』のような世界観の作品を自分でもフィルム写真で撮りたいと思ったのです。2015年頃より本格的にノーラン監督の世界観にインスパイアされた作品作りを始め、『インセプション』というタイトルのZINEや写真集を発行するなど、活動を継続してきました。その後もアメリカ、アイスランド、香港など世界各国の風景を重ね合わせ作品を作り続けてきた結果、納得の行く作品が50点を超え、この度改めて集大成としての写真集を出版することを計画しました。
Background of Photo Book Production Christopher Nolan’s film “Inception” shocked the world when it was released in 2010. Many people were overwhelmed by the completely unpredictable script and images that no one had ever seen before. Of course, I was one of them. Director Nolan is famous for his insistence on analog techniques, such as blowing up real buildings and airplanes for action scenes, and I, too, used a film camera and a technique called multiple exposures to manipulate the miracles created by chance while calculating meticulously and continuing to create fantastic works. Around 2015, I began to create works inspired by Nolan’s worldview in earnest, and have continued to do so by publishing a zine and photo book titled “Inception” and other activities. In 2015, I began creating works inspired by Nolan’s worldview. After that, I continued to create works by superimposing landscapes from around the world, including the United States, Iceland, and Hong Kong, and as a result, I have now produced more than 50 satisfactory works and have planned to publish a photo book as a compilation of my work once again.
<タイトルに込めた想い> ノーラン監督の作品の特徴である時間軸や空間が複雑に交錯するイメージを「フィルムスワップ」というフィルムの再装着による多重露光の技法で撮影。これにより1枚の写真に異なる時期に撮影した二つの世界を収めることができ、アナログでありながらデジタル加工をしたような非現実な世界観を生み出しています。タイトルの『Mission』とはアナログな技法でノーラン監督の世界観を表現すると言う私のかねてからの”夢”であり”使命”であると感じていることから名付けました。これらのある意味世紀末的な作品は、我々が抱える世界規模の問題を想起させるとともに、人間の創造力の可能性をさらに広げるきっかけにもなる作品であると考えています。もちろん、ノーラン監督をご存知でない方にも十分楽しんで頂ける内容であると自負しています。
Thoughts behind the title I use a technique called “film swap,” in which multiple exposures are made by reattaching film, to capture images with complex intersections of time and space that are characteristic of Nolan’s films. This allows me to capture two worlds shot at different times in a single photograph, creating an unrealistic worldview as if digitally processed. The title “Mission” is a reference to my longstanding “mission” to express Nolan’s worldview using analog techniques. I believe that these works, which are in a sense fin-de-siècle in nature, will remind us of the global problems we face, and will also serve as an opportunity to further expand the possibilities of human creativity. Of course, we are confident that even those who are not familiar with Nolan’s work will enjoy them.
<写真集への想い/もう一つのミッション> この写真集は87名のコレクターの皆様、地元岐阜県の印刷会社やお世話になっているギャラリー、たくさんの仲間たちの支えによってやっと完成することができました。繰り返しになりますが、この写真集のタイトル『Mission』には私の活動の使命と世界が抱える使命を表しています。さらにもう一つこの写真集自体が持つ使命があります。それはいつかこの写真集がクリストファー・ノーラン監督の手元に届くという使命です。それは地球温暖化を解決するくらい難しく時間がかかる使命だと思います。こんな想いを抱いて作成したこの写真集をご覧頂けると幸いです。 Thoughts on the Photo Book / Another Mission This photo book was finally completed with the support of 87 collectors, a local printing company in Gifu Prefecture, a gallery that has been a great help to us, and many friends.Again, the title of this photo book, “Mission,” represents the mission of my activities and the mission that the world faces. There is one more mission that the book itself has. It is a mission that one day this book will be in the hands of director Christopher Nolan. It is a mission that is as difficult and time-consuming as solving global warming. I hope you will take a look at this photo book that we have created with this in mind.
写真集概要 / Outline of the book
サイズ:A4 | Size: A4 |
ページ数:48P | Number of pages: 48 |
金額:5,940円(税込) | Price : 5,940 Japanese Yen |
印刷会社:株式会社タカダ印刷 | Printing company: Takada Printing Co. |
出版元:233PRESS | Publisher: 233PRESS |
写真集の購入はこちらから | How to oder from out of Japan |