Vol.6 多重露光撮影でよくある失敗とは【Part4】明るすぎる、暗すぎるを解決する
<English is following Japanese>
- ISO100:晴れた日の屋外撮影に適している
- ISO400:曇りの日や明るい屋内での撮影に適している
- ISO800:暗い屋内や夜間撮影に適している

- フィルム感度 ISO100 → カメラ設定 ISO200
- フィルム感度 ISO400 → カメラ設定 ISO800
- フィルム感度 ISO800 → カメラ設定 ISO1600
- ISO100設定の写真:通常の2倍の光を取り込んでいるため、写真は明るくなりすぎています。
- ISO200設定の写真:1回の撮影あたりの光の量が半分となり、2回撮影することで標準露出に近づきます。



Have You Experienced Overexposure or Underexposure in Multiple Exposure Photography?
In the previous blog, we talked about contrast issues in multiple exposures. This time, we’ll discuss a common issue experienced in multiple exposure photography: results that are too bright or too dark. This is a frequent question I receive from experienced photographers at my workshops. The good news is that this problem can be easily solved with a simple adjustment. Please read until the end to learn more!
Why Overexposure or Underexposure Happens
The solution to fixing overexposed or underexposed results in multiple exposure photography lies in adjusting the ISO sensitivity settings on your camera. But first, let’s briefly explain what ISO sensitivity is.
Different types of film are suited for various lighting conditions, such as bright sunlight, cloudy days, or low-light environments. Here are some common types of film:
- ISO 100: Ideal for shooting in sunny outdoor conditions
- ISO 400: Suitable for shooting outdoors on cloudy days or indoors with sufficient lighting
- ISO 800: For shooting in dark indoor settings or nighttime photography
(The lower the sensitivity, the smaller the number. Also, ISO is sometimes referred to as ASA.)

Why Is My Photo Too Bright?
When your photos come out too bright, it’s often due to overexposure, caused by setting the ISO sensitivity to its default value for multiple exposures. For example, if you use ISO 100 film and shoot twice, the film is exposed to twice the amount of light needed for ISO 100, leading to overexposure. As a result, your photo turns out too bright.
Conversely, if your photo is too dark, it’s because the amount of light is insufficient (underexposure). In this case, not enough light was captured during the exposure.
How to Get Proper Exposure
So how do you achieve standard exposure (a photo with brightness that matches what your eyes see)? The key is to reduce the amount of light. The most effective way to do this is to shorten the shutter speed (exposure time).
To shorten the shutter speed, adjust the camera’s ISO sensitivity to a higher value than the film’s actual ISO. For example, if you’re shooting twice on a single frame, try the following settings:
- Film ISO 100 → Camera setting ISO 200
- Film ISO 400 → Camera setting ISO 800
- Film ISO 800 → Camera setting ISO 1600
Below are sample photos taken using ISO 100 film, with the camera set to ISO 100 and ISO 200. The photo taken with ISO 100 was exposed to twice the amount of light, while the one shot at ISO 200 was captured at the correct exposure level.

By doubling the ISO setting on your camera (e.g., 100 → 200), you reduce the amount of light by half. This shortens the shutter speed to half its normal value, allowing the two exposures to combine into one standard exposure (1/2 + 1/2 = 1). This method effectively prevents overexposure.
If this explanation seems a bit complicated, just remember to adjust your camera’s ISO sensitivity as described above, and give it a try!
What Happens When There’s Not Enough Light?
On the other hand, if there’s not enough light, the result will be a dark photo. Below are examples of photos taken with ISO 100 film but with the camera’s ISO set to 400 and 800. As you can see, reducing the light too much results in a darker image.

In multiple exposure photography, you can easily solve the issue of overexposure or underexposure by adjusting the shutter speed (exposure time). However, if you intentionally want a brighter or darker atmosphere as part of your artistic expression, there’s no need to stick to standard exposure. Adjust the ISO sensitivity according to the light and dark effect you want to achieve.
Try applying these tips in your next shoot! Please enjoy examples of multiple exposures in this gallery as well.